I Used to Be a Human Being


A problem which all of us face. How much should we let the screens dominate our living hours? An interesting piece by Andrew Sullivan discusses how constant bombardment of news, gossip, images from the web left him broken.

If the internet killed you, I used to joke, then I would be the first to find out. Years later, the joke was running thin. In the last year of my blogging life, my health began to give out. Four bronchial infections in 12 months had become progressively harder to kick. Vacations, such as they were, had become mere opportunities for sleep. My dreams were filled with the snippets of code I used each day to update the site. My friendships had atrophied as my time away from the web dwindled. My doctor, dispensing one more course of antibiotics, finally laid it on the line: “Did you really survive HIV to die of the web?”

The complete article

Andrew Sullivan — NYMAG

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